The Vision of the company is to provide top quality service in the field of new nad used automobi purchasing and selling . the managment at ahmed corporation believes in building relationship and maintaining our standards by only dealing in permiun quality automobiles. the list of customers includes many renowed multinational and local companies and banks
Ahmed Corporation is also enlisted as registration agent with bank alfalah limited. faysal bank limited.Sindh bank limited, APna Micro-finance bank & Meezan Bank (corporate)
Introducing Imported Vehicles Under a Warranty First Time Ever in Pakistan.
Ahmed Corporation has an expertise in Importing and Selling Vehicles.
An Online Registration Management System ( Corporate Clients & Banks)
Ahmed Corporation introducing first time in pakistan "Import Vehicle Under Warrant" Now you cam avail any import vehicle with peace of mind, don't worry your car is under warranty as like local brand.
Best price for your car, transparent evaluation. Best deals on new cars , Attractive car financing schemes available.
One window hassle free buying & selling of vehicle. No need to advertise and waste time intrying to handle the inquires as well as in negotiation.